Each year, over a hundred people come to Missionary Acres to help us serve the Lord. We believe that God wants us to give “double honor” to those who have served Him in career ministry (1 Timothy 5:17). Honoring them is helping them when they need it. As pastors and missionaries and those who have been in career ministry, affordable housing can be a big challenge in retirement. Missionary Acres, along with our financial and volunteer partners, seeks to make a real difference for them. Volunteers allow us to provide affordable housing to them! We can’t do this without people like you.


Click on the button below to look over a packet of information regarding volunteering. This is a summary of the important things you will want to know.



We'd love to have your help! Register your skills with us by clicking the button below. You are not committing to anything. This is our way of knowing who is out there and what can they do. In the future we will notify you about specific opportunities that match up with your skills and abilities to see if you can help.