Leon was born, December 19, 1926, in Austinburg, Ohio.  On November 22, 1944, he left High School,  joined the Navy until he was honorably discharged, October 29, 1947. He returned to High School the next month and graduated June 1948.  He was saved on February 15, 1948, at a Christ for Greater Cleveland crusade.


Leon attended Baptist Bible Institute Day School, (now Cedarville University), then transferred to Philadelphia Biblical University, and graduated in June 1954.  That fall he went to Northwestern College in Minnesota.  In 1955 he began teaching and coaching at Grand River Academy in Austinburg, Ohio.  He met Marvilyn Summy at his brother, Eugene and Enid's wedding, and they were married June 14, 1957, a year later .  Together they worked at Baptist School of the Bible and assisted Rev. Eddie Hawkins in Sunday School until Good Shepherd Baptist Church was established.  They later helped in their Awana program.  They also taught in Bible Baptist Center of E. 47th St. with Rev. Walter Banks until Bible Baptist Church was established, (now in Garfield, Ohio.

 Marvilyn Summy was born January 16, 1931 outside of Waterloo, Iowa.  She was saved at Walnut St. Baptist Church at age eleven.  At camp she dedicated her life to the Lord.  After graduating from East High School, January 1949, she worked as a biller at Standard Glass and Paint before attending Moody Bible Institute and graduating in 1953.  She helped in VBS in Cleveland among the African Americans in August, then was accepted in 1953, by Baptist Mid Missions, working two and one-half years in Children's Classes, Bible Clubs, Women's Work and VBS'.  When the Baptist Seminary of the Bible became Independent as a mission and school, she remained for ten more years.  During that time she met Leon and they worked together and had camp in the summer and VBS and Bible Clubs with students from the school.  Leon taught at Baptist School of the Bible mornings and evenings and at the Hebrew Academy afternoons.

Leon and Marvilyn have three sons, Andrew, David and Dan and one daughter, Lynne Moon.  The Lord has blessed them with 13 grandchildren, of whom three are married.

In 1966, they came back under Baptist Mid Missions and continued in Cleveland a short time before moving to Chicago to Pastor at First Raceland Baptist Church.  Six and one-half years later they moved to Riverdale, Illinois, to Pastor at Central Baptist Church.  In 1981, they returned to Cleveland to serve in BMM's Guest House, and in Maintenance of the BMM Home Office.  On December 31, 1991 they retired to Missionary Acres, where they have been very active in the Evangel Baptist Church.

Lot 2 at missionary acres

Lot 2 at missionary acres