Jamaica, Scotland, Canada, & the USA
Jim & Becky moved to Missionary Acres in the fall of 2016. Jim trusted Christ as his Savior when he was six years old and was called into the ministry in college. He served as a pastor for twelve years in the US before God called him to Jamaica as a missionary. After his first term of ministry in Jamaica, Jim’s wife was diagnosed with cancer and died four months later. After her death, Jim returned to Jamaica alone.
Becky placed her faith in Christ at age 19. Soon after this, she attended Bible college where the Lord called her into missions. She served as a single missionary in Scotland for 8 1/2 years before meeting Jim. They were married in December of 1994. Together they served the Lord for many years as missionaries in Jamaica, Scotland, and Canada. In recent years, Jim and Becky's ministry has been church rescue, helping struggling churches in the US. Previous to moving to Missionary Acres, they assisted churches in Texas, Pennsylvania, California, Indiana, and North Carolina. They are now helping another such church which is located near Missionary Acres where they plan to retire sometime soon.
When asked how Missionary Acres is equipped to meet the unique needs of career Christian workers, Jim replied, “It is cost-efficient. When something breaks, we call the administrator instead of having to call a repairman. If we have a need -- especially a health need -- there are people here to help us. It's nice to be surrounded with neighbors who understand the life we've led.”
Jim & Becky Storey's lives are examples of all the people who live at Missionary Acres. They haven't had fairy tale lives; rather they have had trials and disappointments along with their victories. Like the people in the Bible, they continue to forge on, trusting that the Lord will do His work through them. Pleasing God and telling others of Christ continues to be their life calling.