
Dick attended a liberal church regularly and was active in denominational youth activities. He never really heard the plan of salvation until after he married Hae Ja and they began attending an evangelical Methodist Church in Newark, NJ.  As Dick dug into the Sunday School lesson material in November 1963, he saw that he was a sinner and needed to be saved, and that the secret of being a Christian was to receive the finished work of Christ and trust in His shed blood. Shortly after being saved, he realized that God had saved him for a special purpose and he wrestled with the Lord about going to school to prepare for full-time Christian service. In September 1965, he began to attend a Bible college whose emphasis was not on the local church. After he developed stronger Biblical convictions, the Lord led him to transfer to Baptist Bible Seminary in Johnson City, NY (later Baptist Bible College in Pennsylvania). In 1972, Dick and Hae Ja applied to Baptist Mid-Missions for service in Korea.

Hae Ja was raised in a Christian home in the south eastern part of South Korea. Her grandmother was one of the early converts of the Southern Presbyterian Mission. As was her mother, Hae Ja was sent to a girl's middle school and later a girl's high school operated by missionaries. During her teen years, it was expected that she would make a profession of faith and be baptized, but having seen so much hypocrisy, especially on the part of the Korean faculty at the school, she wanted no part of Christianity.

After attending art college in Seoul, Hae Ja had the opportunity for a job with the Korean government, requiring her to type English.  She met Dick Brosseau through a group of students, as she sought help improving her English skills. In November 1961, Dick's military tour in Korea was completed. Dick & Hae Ja were married and then returned to the States. They looked for a church to attend in in order to make friends, as Hae Ja was very homesick. Hearing the gospel once again, she trusted in the Lord as her Savior in November 1963.

After one term, the Lord closed the door for them to return to Korea. God led them next to New Zealand using Isaiah 52:10, "...all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God."  During their seventeen years of ministry in New Zealand, the Lord enabled them to plant two local churches, one of which went self-supporting in eight years.  They also engaged in a ministry to the Korean students who attended the Polytechnic Institute in their town, and to the Korean seamen whose ships called at the nearby port of Bluff. A number of them came to know the Lord.

In 1996, they returned to North America. By that time, their daughter, Nicole, had contracted a form of cancer which later claimed her life at age 40. In order to be closer to Nicole during her illness, the Lord opened the door for a church planting ministry in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

In 2002, the Lord sent the Brosseaus to take a "rescue work" in Citrus Springs, FL. God used them to bring the work toself-supporting status in May 2011. Believing that they had additional work to do in Citrus Springs, the church called them as pastor. They went on retirement status with Baptist Mid-Missions and continued pastoring the church until health issues forced them to retire from the ministry in February, 2012.

The Brosseaus praised the Lord for Ken and Lynne Moon, and Baptist Mid-Missions for making Missionary Acres such a great place for retired missionaries and pastors.  The Acres provide a safe, caring, and very affordable place to live, which they could not find elsewhere.

In October 2018, God called Dick home to be with Him. Dick was always very active in ministry and his last year of life was no different. Evangel Baptist Church is located on the grounds of Missionary Acres. After the pastor of Evangel Baptist Church retired and moved away, Dick took on many leadership responsibilities. The church was very appreciative of Dick’s ministry in filling the pulpit, leading in the pastoral search, and basically fulfilling the role of an unofficial interim pastor. Hae Ja continues to live at Missionary Acres surrounded by her loving friends.